Monday, 9 April 2007

I'll be back after this break...

Just a quick post today, on a Bank Hol and everything, to say I'm off on my hols for two weeks so this place might not be updated much. For five days I'll definitely not be posting anything, as I'm going to a place with no interwebs, mobile receptions or even electricity I think.

But on the other 9 days I'm in cities with all those things and so might be tempted into posting something about how awful tv is in the foreignlands. Three hour variety shows with topless ladies, fat balding presenters in primary-coloured tuxes and incomprehensible games. Versions of Who Wants to be a Millionaire? with the same music and set but a fat balding presenter in a black tux instead of Mr Tarrant, but the million is only worth around a grand. Badly-dubbed seventies American cop shows. CNN Interntational, the home of exotically-named and accented newsreaders - oh, and Richard Quest, the shouting English oddball, usually screeching away from a hot air balloon in some look-the-tourist-board-in-this-wee-country-has-paid-for-this-holiday-jolly-I-mean-big-proper-thing type show.

I'm lucky enough to have wangled a BA business class flight for my twelve hours and so am looking forward to the only time I really can sit through an entire proper movie. Strapped in, wine being topped up constantly, almost edible food turning up at regular intervals, flying to All Abroad And That is when I catch up with the fabulous world of film. Although everything's aimed at brain-dead twenty-year old Americans, obviously, and Borat is considered a work of subtlety and sarcasm. Ahem.

Off to pack my transparent unguent bag...

non-tv secret: hand baggage only is the only way to go

... and will post as and when I can, tvsecreteers...

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